Welcome on the webpage of the company Moliko Printing s.r.o.We are offset large-format printinghouse operating on the Slovak market since 2007production of films, plates, folding, sewed bond V1, glued bond V2...


Contact information

Moliko Printing s.r.o.
Dvorčianska 74
949 05 Nitra

IČO: 36737119
IČ DPH : SK 2022327406


Purchase, Production & Sales manager

Ing. Katarína Šreyerová
Mob. : +421- (0)918 999 524
E-mail: katarina_sreyerova@molikosro.com

Manager Human Resources

Mgr.Viera Panáčková
Mob.: +421-(0)918 346 494
E-mail: viera_panackova@molikosro.com

Contact Form

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